Particular Baptist Heritage Books
7346 S. Grant City Road - Knightstown, Indiana 46148
# 317-945-2262
General Director & Chief Copy Editor : Rev. D.W. Barger -
Contact Rev. Barger if you are interested in becoming a retail distributor of PBHB titles.
Rev. Barger oversees the daily operations and the organization’s general direction ensuring they are supportive of PBHB’s stated vision and goals.
This includes identifying historical works which are suitable for republication, working with transcriptionists, editors, advisory board members.
Director of Donor Relations. : Rev. Ken Glisch -
Contact Rev. Glisch if you are interested in becoming a financial supporter, desire to sponsor a specific publication, have general questions related to the PBHB vision, or are interested in other misc. information related to Particular Baptist Heritage Books.
Asst. Copy Editor: A.J. Hammaker -
Contact AJ with any issues relating to the accuracy of our word-for-word republications. Bro. Hammaker is responsible for reviewing and revising
content for accuracy and quality, including formatting, line editing and preparing files for final review.
Contact AJ with any issues related to repairing or replacement of books that are covered under the lifetime guarantee.
Media Mgr. : Nolan Barger -
For those interested in having PBHB set up a book table at an event, have PBHB provide a historical lecture on Particular Baptists, or set up an online podcast
interview, please contact bro. Nolan Barger.