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1644/46 First London Confession of Faith
w/ In-Line Scripture Proofs (NKJV or KJV)
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Book Description:

Authored by the cooperative efforts of seven individual churches who later would become known as Particular Baptists, this confession stands as one of the earliest expressions of the Baptists commitment to the authority of Scripture and the reformed tradition.


Available for the first time with embedded Scripture proofs within the body of the document making it quick and convenient to verify the doctrinal statements as the teachings of Scripture. This edition includes an informative historical introduction along with two appendixes adding to its value.


Appendixes A and B offer insight into the original historical context in which the document and its various revisions were written. Appendix C features several valuable orthodox Creeds of the Christian church whose truths are repeatedly affirmed throughout the confession. Lastly, this edition is the first to offer a helpful Scripture index assisting the earnest student who desires to anchor their beliefs firmly in the Word of God.

Book Information:
Original Pub Date: 1646. Unabridged, word-for-word republication of original. Scripture texts embedded in the body of confession. Color insert facsimile of original title page. New typeset not a facsimile. Helpful scripture index. Perfect glue bound w/ Satin headbands and ribbon bookmark. Hardcover w/ quality book cloth and gold stamping on cover and spine. Natural colored pages. Appendix A: Original 1646 Appendix to a Confession of Faith (authored by Benjamin Coxe). Appendix B: Original Preface to 1644, Preface to 1651 and Heart Bleedings for Professor's Abominations. Appendix C: The Apostle's Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian Creed.

Book Details: 
Weight aprox. 1.0 lb.
Dimensions: 5.5 w x 8.0 h x .75 d

Page Count: 213
ISBN 978-1-64127-023-8
Cataloging Data: Baptists (Great Britian, Confessions, History); Particular Baptists (England).

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