C.H. Spurgeon - Calvinism Considered
Calvinism Considered is a compilation of various messages by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) which addresses the doctrines of grace as put forth by the Bible and famously articulated by John Calvin. Spurgeon did not label himself a Calvinist out of a reverence for John Calvin, but because he believed that these doctrines sprang forth from the very pages of Scripture. To him, the term Calvinism was simply shorthand for the Christian gospel. Spurgeon taught what he saw plainly in Scripture and was dedicated to preaching the whole counsel of God. So, rather than seeking to adhere to a particular doctrinal system, Spurgeon simply endeavored to preach the truth he found in Scripture. “We had better far be inconsistent with ourselves than with the inspired Word. I have been called an Arminian Calvinist or a Calvinist Arminian, and I am quite content so long as I can keep close to my Bible” While he freely preached Calvinist doctrine without apology, his primary purpose was to point others to Jesus. “If your sermon does not happen to have the doctrine of election, or the doctrine of final perseverance in it, let it always have Christ in it. Have a road to London, a road to Christ, in every sermon.” In seeking to draw nearer to Christ in His Word, Spurgeon’s Calvinism Considered provides an avenue by which one may learn of the doctrines of salvation, and all the while clearing away the misunderstanding denoted by the terms.
Unabridged, word-for-word republication of originals. New typeset not a facsimile. Perfect glue binding w/ Satin headbands and ribbon bookmark. Hardcover w/ quality book cloth and silver stamping on cover and spine. Natural colored pages. Includes portrait print of author.
Weight aprox. 2.0 lb.
Dimensions: 6.375 w x 9.5 h x 1.0 d
Page Count: 287
ISBN 978-1-64127-020-5
Cataloging Data: CH Spurgeon, Calvinism, Soterology, Particular Baptists.