1677/89 Second London Confession of Faith
w/ In-Line Scripture Proofs (NKJV or KJV)
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Book Description:
The Second London Baptist Confession was an enlargement upon the First London Confession. While incorporating the doctrines of the First, the Second is intentionally broader in its scope than the former. Since its first publication in 1677 it has remained absolutely unsurpassed as an accurate and concise statement of Christian doctrine earning it the honor of being the greatest of all the creeds produced by the Baptists.
Following closely the theology, style and structure of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Savoy Declaration, the Second London stands shoulder to shoulder with the great expressions of the reformed faith which flowed from English Puritanism.
Among all the shifting sands of theological opinion the Second London anchors its reader to the solid truths of the Scriptures. The Church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define the Christian faith and to proclaim it to the world.
Available for the first time with embedded Scripture proofs within the body of the document making it quick and convenient to verify the doctrinal statements as the teachings of Scripture. This edition includes an informative historical introduction along with two appendixes adding to its value. Appendix A is the original appendix concerning Baptism. Appendix B features several valuable orthodox Creeds of the Christian church (The Apostle's Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian Creed) whose truths are repeatedly affirmed throughout the confession. Lastly, this edition is the first to offer a helpful subject and scripture index assisting the earnest student who desires to anchor their beliefs firmly in the Word of God.
Book Information:
Original publication date: 1677. Unabridged, word-for-word republication of original. Scripture texts embedded in the body of confession. Color insert facsimile of original title page. New typeset not a facsimile. Helpful subject and scripture index. Perfect glue binding w/ Satin headbands and ribbon bookmark. Hardcover w/ quality book cloth and gold stamping on cover and spine. Natural colored pages. Appendix A: is the original appendix concerning Baptism. Appendix B: The Apostle's Creed, The Nicene Creed, The Athanasian Creed.
Book Details:
Weight aprox. 1.0 lb.
Dimensions: 5.5 w x 8.0 h x 1.25 d
Page Count: 336
ISBN 978-1-64127-016-8
Cataloging Data: Baptists (Great Britain, Confessions, History); Particular Baptists (England).